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This training plan is designed to specifically develop your glutes and hamstrings for both conditioning and strength with limited equipment (Bowflex or cable machine exercises are included). Cardio/HIIT included
Training routine features
- Several exercises have active links to movement demonstrations to show proper execution of each range of motion
- Includes fitness terms glossary to assist with definitions for understanding
- Primary bases to target building strength progressively while adding lean muscle mass
- No commitment! Use at your leisure and at your pace
- Engages both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers from multiple angles
- Recommend a moderate calorie, high protein nutritional plan to supplement and aid results of this routine
- Recommendation to stretch/warm up for at least 10 min prior to beginning your training
- NFE4ALL is available for any support via email at NFE4U@bellsouth.net
- All plans are copyrighted NFE4ALL.com and to be used at your own risk